Friday, January 15, 2010

The Bloggers become the Bloggees.

Ok, so I don't really have an explanation for the title of this post, except that I was watching "Friends" last night, so all you other true fans out there, hope you get it.

I posted the link to this site through my fb status, and will probably put it on twitter, and maybe listed as a website on my fb page, but other than that, I probably won't put it up too many more places or times. I don't really need people thinking I want everyone on the internet to know my every thought and action during the day.

But for those of you who DO want to know, I have been thinking a bit about why I made this blog, and about some of the websites I've been looking at since I've graduated about networking, creating a personal brand, etc. and one that I came across talked about creating a blog to establish yourself. The article described using blogging as a tool to develop skills and knowledge over a period time, and documenting what I've learned. And while I'm up in Canada, I think I'm going to be learning a shit-ton of new things, and since I don't have an exact idea of the kind of work I will be doing there, I can't think of a skill I'd specifically like to develop. However, I do want to document the activities I will be spending time on, and how I'm growing from those experiences. Sound like fun?? K, cool.

Another thought for today, I pretty much realized that other than the time that I will be spending up in Vancouvsie, I'm going to be back home in Minnesota with my parents a LOT. Not that that's such a bad thing, I enjoy spending time with the 'rents, hanging out, getting free, nice meals, you know how it is. However, it just dawned on me that a big reason I love being at home is because my sister is here, too. But she goes back to school in Iya tomorrow, frown face. Gonna miss you, K!

Well that's all for now, peace, love and pop tarts.


  1. POP TARTS? You crazy.

    And yes, I'm stalking you.

  2. AWW! :-) the sister comment is cute! hopefully the parents will be able to entertain you enough when she leaves!

    Vancouvsie is so close! I am excited to read the posts when you get there!!! Such a rock star life you lead!!
