Thursday, February 18, 2010

It may be years until the day my dreams will match up with my pay

Hey Hey Hey!! I'm just sitting at work right now, on the runner computer in our lounge. So far this week we have had almost zero projects and things for us to do so we have been spending most of our time at work getting paid to sit and watch the sports, as well as play games like Pictionary and Monopoly. Sweet life, eh? (Look, I'm using "eh," I'm truly becoming a Canadian!)
OH crap! Time out, Lindsay Vonn just lost Gold in the Alpine Combo by falling on her run! That's rough. At least she got her medal yesterday!

Anyway, you can see that work has been pretty hard this week. I actually just got a free 15 minute massage today at the press center next door. Really not a bad job. I have still been running a few errands around the IBC, trying to keep a look out for athletes and other celebs that may be around. We have been going to press conferences every morning to help with crowd control, and sitting in on them is pretty interesting. We get to hear the press rip apart the heads of VANOC and the IOC about all the problems going on during the games. One reporter even asked what their comments were about this being the "worst beginning to an Olympic games... ever." Yikes. Even though I'm in PR, I would not want to be answering some of those questions. However, it is particularly intersesting me to be sitting in on these conferences for that exact reason. I am enjoying seeing more of the press side of the Olympics, since that is what I have studied in, as well as noting how they respond to the conflicts that have been arising during these games.

Other than that, I did get up to Cypress for the men's halfpipe finals last night. What an amazing experience! Seriously, Shaun White is the MAN! Almost a perfect score for his second run, and a gold and bronze medal for the USA! The venue looked awesome, which is quite an accomplishment after the troubles they have been having up there with the lack of snow. I was very impressed. The whole crowd was excited for Shaun, including people from all over the world. It was awesome that everyone recognized what an amazing athlete he is, and cheered him on even though he wasn't from their home countries. My camera died right before Shaun's final run, so I was pretty mad I didn't get that on record, as well as the medal ceremony. Still exciting though! Hopefully I can get some copies emailed to me from a friend. Here is a photo of me, and one of Shaun White after his first run.

Other than that, not much else new up here. The city has just been buzzing with Olympic hysteria, and the nightlife has been crazy. There are hundreds upon hundreds of people roaming the streets at night, all dressed up in Canada gear, wearing flags, playing hockey in the middle of the street, and it is super exciting. Hopefully I will be able to participate in some of the craziness this weekend, I actually have Saturday off.  The weather has still been amazing, and I was able to snap some photos in the city with the beautiful weather.

That's it for today! Wish me luck on all the work I have to do today including watching more speed skating and probably spending more of my meal vouchers on shitty cafe food.

Peace, love, and sushi!


  1. completely jeal you were able to see shaun white--hes the loml!

  2. u have got to be kidding! u did not see shaun!! I am in love with the man! Even more with his comrade, Louis;)

    Seriously, your experience is incredible. But more than that, you know it! And getting invaluable learning and experience. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you!
